Dr. Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn PhD

Dr. Suppakittpaisarn is working as a landscape design lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University. He teaches a course called ‘Landscape, Environment, Behaviors, and Minds,’ which explores the relationship between the environment and human behaviors. His research interests include creating co-habitat between human and wildlife species, ecosystem service management, landscape perceptions and preferences, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Community Wellbeing in Nature

The key purposes of these community tickets for Tāmaki Makaurau communities are to 1) Give equitable opportunities for diverse and often underserved communities across Tāmaki Makaurau to access the Zoo for a visit, 2) Support whānau to spend time together to build social cohesion and … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Elizabeth (Lisa) K. L Nisbet PhD

Dr. Lisa Nisbet’s work investigates the environmental and health (happiness) benefits of individual differences in connectedness with the natural environment (nature relatedness). Current research questions that Dr. Nisbet is focusing on include: identifying elements or aspects of nature that impact well-being, examining perceptions of wildlife and human-animal interactions, and exploring the antecedents (early experiences, parenting) … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Donna K. McMillan Ph.D., L.P.

Donna McMillan is a clinical psychologist who received her Ph.D. and M.A. in clinical psychology from Duke University and her B.A. from the University of Virginia, having double majored in psychology and biology. Donna’s work focuses on the study of the person. She seeks a rich understanding of human beings as we really are, from … Continued

Areas of Expertise

John Zelenski PhD

Dr. John Zelenski studies how people connect with nature as a momentary experience and as an individual (nature relatedness). Broadly, Dr. Zelenski’s work explores the potential of a ‘happy path to sustainability’ that goes through nature. In essence, it seems like when people connect with nature they improve well-being and treat the environment better. Still, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Laura Musikanski JD, MBA

Laura Musikanski is executive director the Happiness Alliance (happycounts.org), a nonprofit providing tools and resources, such as the Happiness Index, to communities for taking action and joining the Happiness and Well-being Movement. She has been working there since 2010. Together with Beth Allgood, Laura authored the first community-based wildlife conservation wellbeing index, Proposing a Community-Based … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Testing Models of Environmental Positivity

This project aims to corroborate postulates of the Positive Environment model my team and I have recently specified. According to this model, a positive environment contains satisfiers of human needs, instigators of sustainable behaviors, and environmental challenges. These three elements work in combination and in … Continued

Areas of Expertise