Dr. Nicole M. Ardoin PhD

Founder of the Social Ecology Lab at Stanford University, Professor Ardoin is an interdisciplinary social scientist who researches individual and collective environmental behavior as influenced by environmental learning and motivated by place-based connections. Professor Ardoin and members of her lab often work in collaboration with community partners, including public, private, and social sector organizations at … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Britain Scott PhD

Dr. Britain Scott is a social psychologist who joined the University of St. Thomas psychology faculty in 1996. From 2004 to 2007 she served as Director of Environmental Studies at St. Thomas. She is first author of Psychology for Sustainability, 5e (Scott, Amel, Koger, & Manning, 2021; Routledge) and co-creator of the instructor resource Teaching … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Ezra Markowitz PhD

Ezra Markowitz, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Environmental Decision-Making in the Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research and teaching focus is on the intersection of decision-making, persuasive communication, public engagement with science, and environmental sustainability. He is particularly interested and an expert in the practical application of behavioral … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Raymond De Young PhD

Raymond De Young is a broadly trained psychologist, planner, and engineer. He focuses on the process of re-localization, a response to emerging biophysical limits, and the consequences of having deeply disrupted the Earth’s ecosystems. He applies conservation psychology to the challenge of helping people envision and adopt behaviors that support an urgent transition to a … Continued

Areas of Expertise