Dr. Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn PhD

Dr. Suppakittpaisarn is working as a landscape design lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University. He teaches a course called ‘Landscape, Environment, Behaviors, and Minds,’ which explores the relationship between the environment and human behaviors. His research interests include creating co-habitat between human and wildlife species, ecosystem service management, landscape perceptions and preferences, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Lily Maynard PhD

Lily Maynard, Ph.D., is the Director of Global Conservation at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. Spending years in zoos, including working as a conservation manager at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, instilled her passion for wildlife. Lily received her B.A. in Biology from Smith College and completed her master’s and doctorate in the Human Dimensions of … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Elizabeth (Lisa) K. L Nisbet PhD

Dr. Lisa Nisbet’s work investigates the environmental and health (happiness) benefits of individual differences in connectedness with the natural environment (nature relatedness). Current research questions that Dr. Nisbet is focusing on include: identifying elements or aspects of nature that impact well-being, examining perceptions of wildlife and human-animal interactions, and exploring the antecedents (early experiences, parenting) … Continued

Areas of Expertise