Elizabeth (Lisa) K. L Nisbet PhD

Dr. Lisa Nisbet’s work investigates the environmental and health (happiness) benefits of individual differences in connectedness with the natural environment (nature relatedness). Current research questions that Dr. Nisbet is focusing on include: identifying elements or aspects of nature that impact well-being, examining perceptions of wildlife and human-animal interactions, and exploring the antecedents (early experiences, parenting) … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Matthew T. Ballew PhD

Dr. Matthew Ballew’s research interests combine perspectives from social, environmental, and positive psychology. Dr. Ballew is broadly interested in the interrelation between human behavior, the environment (i.e., nature, social environments), and human wellness: how people influence their environments and how people’s environments influence their health and wellbeing. My research interests include the following: -Experiences with … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Florian G. Kaiser, Prof.

Florian G. Kaiser is, since 2008, a professor of personality and social psychology at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. His research interests include attitude theory, attitude-behavior consistency, the Campbell paradigm, evidence-based psychological policy support, large-scale attitude change, and behavior management. Topics of interest are environmental protection and environmental education for sustainable development. Dr. Kaiser received … Continued

Areas of Expertise