Dr. Joanne Vining PhD

Dr. Vining is a semi-retired professor and consulting research psychologist. She is interested in applying psychological theories, principles, and methods to understanding and managing human/environment interactions. Topical interests include the role of emotion in environment perception and decision-making, distinctions between natural and unnatural environments (which are usually defined as human-influenced), conservation behavior, interactions among humans … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Angela G. Mertig Ph.D.

Angela Mertig is currently a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN. She specializes in sociological research methodology and statistics, environmental sociology, social movements, especially the environmental movement, and in the study of public opinion and attitudes regarding the natural environment and animals. Dr. … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Larger than Lions: A Collaborative Community-to-Community Photovoice Project to Protect People and Predators near Mikumi National Park in Tanzania

This a a National Geographic funded project to advance conservation research in Tanzania by enlisting diverse stakeholders, including youth, villagers, park rangers, and conservation experts in a co-investigation of the drivers and solutions to human-lion conflict near the Mikumi National Park. Our strategy for success … Continued

Areas of Expertise