Dr. Fanli Jia PhD

Scientists continue to provide compelling evidence that environmental degradation and consequent global climate change are profoundly dangerous to humans and to other life on earth (Gallup Poll, 2009). Despite global awareness of environmental issues, actions promoting environmental sustainability have steadily declined over the past decades, particularly for adolescents and young adults (Twenge, Campbell, & Freemen, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Christina M. Wesolek PhD

Dr. Christina Wesolek currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Captive Wildlife Care in the Hybrid Learning Program at Unity College. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Biology from the College of Mount Saint Vincent, a Master of Arts degree in Psychology (Behavioral Science & Bioacoustics) from the University … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Gregg Sparkman PhD

Gregg Sparkman is an Assistant Professor in the department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Boston College. His research focuses on psychology and social change, including research on scalable interventions to address social problems related to the environment, health, and social inequity. He examines motivations to change behavior and how to advocate for change, including the … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Nicole Sintov PhD

Broadly, Dr. Nicole Sintov focuses on the role of individual-level behavior and decision-making in sustainable consumption with an emphasis on energy contexts, such as home energy use or energy-efficient technology adoption and use. Dr. Sintov often works on interdisciplinary teams in which I model consumer behavior in response to computer science- or engineering-enabled advances, such … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Nathaniel Geiger PhD

Dr. Nathaniel Geiger is an assistant professor of Communication Science in the Media School, also holding affiliations with the Integrated Program in the Environment (IPE) and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA). Dr. Geiger is an interdisciplinary social scientist interested in understanding barriers to psychological engagement with climate change. Dr. Geiger conducts experimental and survey research in … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Susan D. Clayton PhD

Susan Clayton is professor of social and environmental psychology at the College of Wooster, where she has taught courses in Environment and identity, Sustainability, Environmental Psychology, and Humans and other animals. Clayton received her Ph.D. in social psychology from Yale University. Her research examines people’s relationship with the natural environment; she has written about the … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Amara Brook Ph.D.

Dr. Amara Brook is a former researcher and professor in self and identity issues related to conservation psychology. Currently, Dr. Brooks is a practicing psychologist helping people better understand themselves, accept reality, and make changes in their lives consistent with their goals and values.

Areas of Expertise