Dr. Lily Maynard PhD

Lily Maynard, Ph.D., is the Director of Global Conservation at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. Spending years in zoos, including working as a conservation manager at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, instilled her passion for wildlife. Lily received her B.A. in Biology from Smith College and completed her master’s and doctorate in the Human Dimensions of … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Kenneth E. Wallen PhD

T.H.E. Lab views conservation and natural resources management through the lens of human behavior and social process. We produce actionable insights from rigorous psychological, sociological, and behavioral sciences inquiry with observational, experimental, and survey methods to explore the nature of and reasons for environmentally significant behavior. We contribute to conservation and management via insights into … Continued

Areas of Expertise

James G. Cantrill PhD

Dr. James G. Cantrill received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois – Urbana. Currently, he is the head of the Department of Communication & Media Studies and serves as the Director of General Education at Northern Michigan University. Jim has an extensive publication record and, over the years, he has developed a reputation as … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Larger than Lions: A Collaborative Community-to-Community Photovoice Project to Protect People and Predators near Mikumi National Park in Tanzania

This a a National Geographic funded project to advance conservation research in Tanzania by enlisting diverse stakeholders, including youth, villagers, park rangers, and conservation experts in a co-investigation of the drivers and solutions to human-lion conflict near the Mikumi National Park. Our strategy for success … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Olin Eugene (Gene) Myers Jr., Ph.D.

Dr. Myers is a professor of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University. His interests are in human-animal interactions, life-span development psychology, and mixed-methods program evaluation. In the last 8 years, Dr. Myer has increased his research emphasis involving facilitating intersections between conservation psychology and positive psychology, as well as exploring eco-justice and critical race theory … Continued

Areas of Expertise