Elizabeth (Lisa) K. L Nisbet PhD

Dr. Lisa Nisbet’s work investigates the environmental and health (happiness) benefits of individual differences in connectedness with the natural environment (nature relatedness). Current research questions that Dr. Nisbet is focusing on include: identifying elements or aspects of nature that impact well-being, examining perceptions of wildlife and human-animal interactions, and exploring the antecedents (early experiences, parenting) … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Donna K. McMillan Ph.D., L.P.

Donna McMillan is a clinical psychologist who received her Ph.D. and M.A. in clinical psychology from Duke University and her B.A. from the University of Virginia, having double majored in psychology and biology. Donna’s work focuses on the study of the person. She seeks a rich understanding of human beings as we really are, from … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Kenneth E. Wallen PhD

T.H.E. Lab views conservation and natural resources management through the lens of human behavior and social process. We produce actionable insights from rigorous psychological, sociological, and behavioral sciences inquiry with observational, experimental, and survey methods to explore the nature of and reasons for environmentally significant behavior. We contribute to conservation and management via insights into … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Willett Kempton PhD

Dr. Willett Kempton is a professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, and in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Delaware. He is the co-founder and Associate Director of the Center for Research in Wind. He is an Affiliated Professor at the Danish Technical University. Dr. Kempton directs … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Janet K. Swim, Ph.D.

Dr. Swim strives to build on our better nature for nature — working with existing desires to live on a healthy planet, empowering people to be able to change, and developing hope, empathy, and curiosity to facilitate change. She uses experimental and survey research to examine the psychological underpinnings of people’s willingness to engage in … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Ezra Markowitz PhD

Ezra Markowitz, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Environmental Decision-Making in the Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research and teaching focus is on the intersection of decision-making, persuasive communication, public engagement with science, and environmental sustainability. He is particularly interested and an expert in the practical application of behavioral … Continued

Areas of Expertise

M. Kyle Matsuba PhD

Dr. Matsuba’s work explores the links between environmental attitudes, beliefs and behaviors, and other factors that influence them, including personality and developmental factors. More recently, he has been exploring the importance of the “natural world” on human wellbeing, taking a mindfulness and Indigenous lens to this work. Dr. Matsuba’s previous research has focused on the … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Tim Kasser Ph.D.

After receiving his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Rochester, Tim Kasser accepted a position at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, where he taught for 24 years before retiring as an Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He has written over 125 scientific articles and book chapters on materialism, values, goals, ecological sustainability, motivation, consumer capitalism, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Nathaniel Geiger PhD

Dr. Nathaniel Geiger is an assistant professor of Communication Science in the Media School, also holding affiliations with the Integrated Program in the Environment (IPE) and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA). Dr. Geiger is an interdisciplinary social scientist interested in understanding barriers to psychological engagement with climate change. Dr. Geiger conducts experimental and survey research in … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Joshua Rottman Ph.D.

Josh Rottman, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Program in Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind at Franklin & Marshall College.  Dr. Rottman’s research is situated at the intersection of cognitive development and moral psychology and he primarily focuses on studying the factors that lead certain entities and objects to be attributed with (or stripped of) moral … Continued

Areas of Expertise