Lisa Bardwell PhD

Dr. Bardwell is no longer active in the field, but was most interested in the relationship between people and their environments — be those the natural environment, or the informational/social/physical environments we find ourselves in every day. Of late, Dr. Bardwell has been supporting SEE framework (Supportive Environments for Effectiveness) that builds on the work … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Fanli Jia PhD

Scientists continue to provide compelling evidence that environmental degradation and consequent global climate change are profoundly dangerous to humans and to other life on earth (Gallup Poll, 2009). Despite global awareness of environmental issues, actions promoting environmental sustainability have steadily declined over the past decades, particularly for adolescents and young adults (Twenge, Campbell, & Freemen, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Nicole M. Ardoin PhD

Founder of the Social Ecology Lab at Stanford University, Professor Ardoin is an interdisciplinary social scientist who researches individual and collective environmental behavior as influenced by environmental learning and motivated by place-based connections. Professor Ardoin and members of her lab often work in collaboration with community partners, including public, private, and social sector organizations at … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn PhD

Dr. Suppakittpaisarn is working as a landscape design lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University. He teaches a course called ‘Landscape, Environment, Behaviors, and Minds,’ which explores the relationship between the environment and human behaviors. His research interests include creating co-habitat between human and wildlife species, ecosystem service management, landscape perceptions and preferences, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Joanne Vining PhD

Dr. Vining is a semi-retired professor and consulting research psychologist. She is interested in applying psychological theories, principles, and methods to understanding and managing human/environment interactions. Topical interests include the role of emotion in environment perception and decision-making, distinctions between natural and unnatural environments (which are usually defined as human-influenced), conservation behavior, interactions among humans … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Community Wellbeing in Nature

The key purposes of these community tickets for Tāmaki Makaurau communities are to 1) Give equitable opportunities for diverse and often underserved communities across Tāmaki Makaurau to access the Zoo for a visit, 2) Support whānau to spend time together to build social cohesion and … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Marianne Krasny

Marianne E Krasny is professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, and Director of the Civic Ecology Lab at Cornell University. Her scholarship focuses on grassroots environmental stewardship, environmental education, and climate behaviors and collective actions. Dr. Krasny recently completed a book entitled In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Rachelle K. Gould PhD

Rachelle Gould is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work involves social science, the humanities, and ecology. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Vermont. Her research explores the relationship between people and ecosystems and focuses on: (1) environmental values, including Cultural Ecosystem Services and relational values; (2) lifelong and life-wide environmental learning and its … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Eliminating End-of-life Plastics

Eliminating End-of-life Plastics requires technological advances to maximize recycling and recovery, behavioral understanding to influence consumer attitude, and economic approaches to incentivize the extension of product life. Each alternative involves trade-offs in its social acceptability, economic feasibility, environmental sustainability, and circularity. The overall goal of … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Beth A. Covitt PhD

Beth Covitt, Head of Science Education Research and Evaluation, has been working in the fields of environmental and science education for 20 years. She has a keen interest in environmental science literacy and developing a citizenry that is well prepared to use science to inform decision-making. Beth has worked on numerous projects spanning many topics but … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Julie Johnson-Pynn

Dr. Julie Johnson-Pynn has conducted field research regarding conservation and environmental education for over 20 years in East Africa, primarily in cooperation with The Jane Goodall Institute. She has also done research funded by the National Geographic Society concerned with evaluating the effectiveness of field experiences on youth’s connection to nature and communities’ traditional environmental … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Jessica M. Nolan PhD

Dr. Jessica Nolan has studied the effects of normative social influence on various environmental behaviors, including energy conservation and household recycling. Dr. Nolan is also interested in informal systems of social control, including how and when people are willing to impose social sanctions, as well as how government regulations (formal sanctioning systems) influence informal systems … Continued

Areas of Expertise