Dr. Nicole M. Ardoin PhD

Founder of the Social Ecology Lab at Stanford University, Professor Ardoin is an interdisciplinary social scientist who researches individual and collective environmental behavior as influenced by environmental learning and motivated by place-based connections. Professor Ardoin and members of her lab often work in collaboration with community partners, including public, private, and social sector organizations at … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Martha C. Monroe PhD

Dr. Monroe is an Extension specialist in environmental education and professor in the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences at the University of Florida in Gainesville. In addition to providing support for 4-H, her courses orient students to conservation behavior theories and environmental education program development. She works in the human dimensions of natural … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Marianne Krasny

Marianne E Krasny is professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, and Director of the Civic Ecology Lab at Cornell University. Her scholarship focuses on grassroots environmental stewardship, environmental education, and climate behaviors and collective actions. Dr. Krasny recently completed a book entitled In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Rachelle K. Gould PhD

Rachelle Gould is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work involves social science, the humanities, and ecology. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Vermont. Her research explores the relationship between people and ecosystems and focuses on: (1) environmental values, including Cultural Ecosystem Services and relational values; (2) lifelong and life-wide environmental learning and its … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Julie Johnson-Pynn

Dr. Julie Johnson-Pynn has conducted field research regarding conservation and environmental education for over 20 years in East Africa, primarily in cooperation with The Jane Goodall Institute. She has also done research funded by the National Geographic Society concerned with evaluating the effectiveness of field experiences on youth’s connection to nature and communities’ traditional environmental … Continued

Areas of Expertise

P. Wesley Schultz Ph.D.

P. Wesley Schultz is a Professor of Psychology at California State University, San Marcos. His research interests are in applied social psychology, particularly in the area of sustainable behavior. Recent books include Social Psychology: An Applied Perspective (2000, Prentice-Hall), Psychology of Sustainable Development (2002, Kluwer), and Attitudes and Opinions (2005, Lawrence Erlbaum). His current work … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Olin Eugene (Gene) Myers Jr., Ph.D.

Dr. Myers is a professor of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University. His interests are in human-animal interactions, life-span development psychology, and mixed-methods program evaluation. In the last 8 years, Dr. Myer has increased his research emphasis involving facilitating intersections between conservation psychology and positive psychology, as well as exploring eco-justice and critical race theory … Continued

Areas of Expertise