Dr. Christina M. Wesolek PhD

Dr. Christina Wesolek currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Captive Wildlife Care in the Hybrid Learning Program at Unity College. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Biology from the College of Mount Saint Vincent, a Master of Arts degree in Psychology (Behavioral Science & Bioacoustics) from the University … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Joanne Vining PhD

Dr. Vining is a semi-retired professor and consulting research psychologist. She is interested in applying psychological theories, principles, and methods to understanding and managing human/environment interactions. Topical interests include the role of emotion in environment perception and decision-making, distinctions between natural and unnatural environments (which are usually defined as human-influenced), conservation behavior, interactions among humans … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Community Wellbeing in Nature

The key purposes of these community tickets for Tāmaki Makaurau communities are to 1) Give equitable opportunities for diverse and often underserved communities across Tāmaki Makaurau to access the Zoo for a visit, 2) Support whānau to spend time together to build social cohesion and … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Eliminating End-of-life Plastics

Eliminating End-of-life Plastics requires technological advances to maximize recycling and recovery, behavioral understanding to influence consumer attitude, and economic approaches to incentivize the extension of product life. Each alternative involves trade-offs in its social acceptability, economic feasibility, environmental sustainability, and circularity. The overall goal of … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Nicole Sintov PhD

Broadly, Dr. Nicole Sintov focuses on the role of individual-level behavior and decision-making in sustainable consumption with an emphasis on energy contexts, such as home energy use or energy-efficient technology adoption and use. Dr. Sintov often works on interdisciplinary teams in which I model consumer behavior in response to computer science- or engineering-enabled advances, such … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Julie Johnson-Pynn

Dr. Julie Johnson-Pynn has conducted field research regarding conservation and environmental education for over 20 years in East Africa, primarily in cooperation with The Jane Goodall Institute. She has also done research funded by the National Geographic Society concerned with evaluating the effectiveness of field experiences on youth’s connection to nature and communities’ traditional environmental … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Laura R. Johnson PhD

Dr. Laura Johnson is a Professor in the Department of Psychology, Environmental Studies Core Faculty, and an Associate Faculty of the Croft Institute for International Studies and at the University of Mississippi, where she directs the Nature, International, Cultural, and Community Engagement Lab NICEpsych Lab. Dr. Johnson’s research is transnational, spanning cultural, conservation, and peace … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Larger than Lions: A Collaborative Community-to-Community Photovoice Project to Protect People and Predators near Mikumi National Park in Tanzania

This a a National Geographic funded project to advance conservation research in Tanzania by enlisting diverse stakeholders, including youth, villagers, park rangers, and conservation experts in a co-investigation of the drivers and solutions to human-lion conflict near the Mikumi National Park. Our strategy for success … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Florian G. Kaiser, Prof.

Florian G. Kaiser is, since 2008, a professor of personality and social psychology at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. His research interests include attitude theory, attitude-behavior consistency, the Campbell paradigm, evidence-based psychological policy support, large-scale attitude change, and behavior management. Topics of interest are environmental protection and environmental education for sustainable development. Dr. Kaiser received … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Co-Designing Conservation With (not For) Our Neighbors

Dr. Cranston directs this multi-year project by applying conservation psychology principles directly to the co-design of conservation projects with (not for) communities across the United States. This project helps the conservation organizations she works with to build upon their own capacity to enhance equitable engagement in conservation … Continued

Areas of Expertise

P. Wesley Schultz Ph.D.

P. Wesley Schultz is a Professor of Psychology at California State University, San Marcos. His research interests are in applied social psychology, particularly in the area of sustainable behavior. Recent books include Social Psychology: An Applied Perspective (2000, Prentice-Hall), Psychology of Sustainable Development (2002, Kluwer), and Attitudes and Opinions (2005, Lawrence Erlbaum). His current work … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Olin Eugene (Gene) Myers Jr., Ph.D.

Dr. Myers is a professor of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University. His interests are in human-animal interactions, life-span development psychology, and mixed-methods program evaluation. In the last 8 years, Dr. Myer has increased his research emphasis involving facilitating intersections between conservation psychology and positive psychology, as well as exploring eco-justice and critical race theory … Continued

Areas of Expertise