Dr. Nicole Sintov PhD

Broadly, Dr. Nicole Sintov focuses on the role of individual-level behavior and decision-making in sustainable consumption with an emphasis on energy contexts, such as home energy use or energy-efficient technology adoption and use. Dr. Sintov often works on interdisciplinary teams in which I model consumer behavior in response to computer science- or engineering-enabled advances, such … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Ezra Markowitz PhD

Ezra Markowitz, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Environmental Decision-Making in the Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research and teaching focus is on the intersection of decision-making, persuasive communication, public engagement with science, and environmental sustainability. He is particularly interested and an expert in the practical application of behavioral … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Tim Kasser Ph.D.

After receiving his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Rochester, Tim Kasser accepted a position at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, where he taught for 24 years before retiring as an Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He has written over 125 scientific articles and book chapters on materialism, values, goals, ecological sustainability, motivation, consumer capitalism, … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Nathaniel Geiger PhD

Dr. Nathaniel Geiger is an assistant professor of Communication Science in the Media School, also holding affiliations with the Integrated Program in the Environment (IPE) and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA). Dr. Geiger is an interdisciplinary social scientist interested in understanding barriers to psychological engagement with climate change. Dr. Geiger conducts experimental and survey research in … Continued

Areas of Expertise

Matthew T. Ballew PhD

Dr. Matthew Ballew’s research interests combine perspectives from social, environmental, and positive psychology. Dr. Ballew is broadly interested in the interrelation between human behavior, the environment (i.e., nature, social environments), and human wellness: how people influence their environments and how people’s environments influence their health and wellbeing. My research interests include the following: -Experiences with … Continued

Areas of Expertise

James G. Cantrill PhD

Dr. James G. Cantrill received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois – Urbana. Currently, he is the head of the Department of Communication & Media Studies and serves as the Director of General Education at Northern Michigan University. Jim has an extensive publication record and, over the years, he has developed a reputation as … Continued

Areas of Expertise