Dr. Joanne Vining PhD

Professor Emerita of Environmental Psychology
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
Urbana IL USA

Consulting Research Psychologist
Tucson AZ USA

Dr. Vining is a semi-retired professor and consulting research psychologist. She is interested in applying psychological theories, principles, and methods to understanding and managing human/environment interactions. Topical interests include the role of emotion in environment perception and decision-making, distinctions between natural and unnatural environments (which are usually defined as human-influenced), conservation behavior, interactions among humans and other animals, life experience and personal environmental histories, and environmental and animal-assisted epiphanies.


Storie, M., & Vining, J. (2018). From Oh to Aha: Characteristics and types of Environmental Epiphany Experiences. Human Ecology Review, 24, 155-180.

Watkins, C., Westphal, L.M., Gobster, J., Vining, J., Wali, A., & Tudor, M. (2015) Shared Principles of Restoration Practice in the Chicago Wilderness Region. Human Ecology Review, 21, 155-178.

Vining, J., & Merrick, M. (2012). Environmental epiphanies. Chapter in Clayton, S. (Ed), Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology, New York: Oxford University Press, 485-508.

Cristancho, S., & Vining, J. (2009). Intergenerational differences in the transmission / acquisition of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in the Amazon and the Peten rainforests. Culture and Psychology, 15, 229-254.

Vining, J., Merrick, M.S., & Price, E. (2008). The Distinction Between Humans and Nature: Human Perceptions of Connectedness to Nature and Elements of the Natural and Unnatural. Human Ecology Review, 15, 1-11.

Vining, J., Merrick, M.S., & Price, E. (2008). The effects of distance and wildlife cues on wildfire management decisions, emotions, and goal importance ratings. Environmental Management, 41, 155-167.

Kennedy, J., & Vining, J. (2007). Natural resource conflicts: Why do emotions matter? Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 24, 23-50.

Vining, J. (2003). Connection to other animals and caring for nature. Human Ecology Review, 10, 87-99.

Vining, J. & Ebreo, A. (2002). Emerging theoretical and methodological perspectives on conservation behavior. In R. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.), The New Handbook of Environmental Psychology. New York: John Wiley, 541-558.

Vining, J., Tyler, E., & Kweon, B. (2000). The psychology of environmental restoration. In P. H. Gobster and R. B. Hull, (Eds.), Restoring Nature: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 143-162.

Vining, J. & Tyler, E. (1999). Values, emotions, and desired outcomes as reflected in public responses to forest management plans. Human Ecology Review, 6, 21-34.

Daitch, V., Kweon, B., Tyler, L., & Vining, J. (1996). Personal environmental histories: Expressions of self and place. Human Ecology Review, 3, 19-31.

Vining, J. (1992). Environmental emotions and decisions: A comparison of the responses and expectations of forest managers, an environmental group, and the public. Environment and Behavior, 24, 3-34.

Fishwick, L., & Vining, J. (1992). Toward a phenomenology of recreation place. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 12, 57-63.

Vining, J., & Ebreo, A. (1991). Are you thinking what I think you are? A study of actual and estimated goal priorities and decisions of resource managers, environmentalists, and the public. Society and Natural Resources, 4, 177-196.

Vining, J., & Ebreo, A. (1990). What makes a recycler? A comparison of recyclers and non-recyclers. Environment and Behavior, 22, 55-73.

Vining, J., & Schroeder, H. W. (1989). The effects of perceived conflict, resource scarcity and information bias on emotions in environmental decision-making. Environmen¬tal Management, 13, 199-206.

Vining, J. (1987). Environmental decisions: The interaction of emotions, infor¬mation, and decision context. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 7, 13-30.

Vining, J. & Schroeder, H. W. (1987). Emotions in environmental decision-making: Rational planning vs. the passionate public. In M.L. Miller, R. Gale, & P. J. Brown (Eds.), Social Science in Natural Resource Management Systems. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 181-192