Marianne Krasny

Professor, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University

Areas of Expertise

Marianne E Krasny is professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, and Director of the Civic Ecology Lab at Cornell University. Her scholarship focuses on grassroots environmental stewardship, environmental education, and climate behaviors and collective actions. Dr. Krasny recently completed a book entitled In This Together: Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis (Cornell University Press, March 2023). Her previous books include Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators (with A Armstrong and J Schuldt), Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up (with K Tidball), Urban Environmental Education Review (with A Russ), Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology and Advancing Environmental Education Practice. She leads efforts to teach environmental and climate education Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for international audiences, and to facilitate online learning and resource sharing communities for over 12,000 environmental activists and educators globally. Dr Krasny was director of EPA’s National Environmental Education Training Program, and of the Garden Mosaics community gardening education program, and is a Public Voices Fellow and an International Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. Currently, she writes educational quizzes and advocacy actions for Climate Action Now under the search category “Food and Farm.” Her advocacy actions focus on plant-rich diet legislation and the renewal of the US Farm Bill (2023-28). But also check out her quizzes, which are fun and educational (click on all the answers to a question to get the full learning experience).


Dominguez Contreras, E and ME Krasny. 2022. Young Children Contribute to Nature Stewardship. Frontiers in Psychology.

Cho, J, Y Li, ME Krasny and RF Kizilcec. 2022. Measuring Cultural Dimensions of Learning in Online Courses. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S). 395–399. doi: 10.1145/3491140.3528333

Krasny, ME, Y Li, D Gonzales, and A Sims Bartel. 2021. E-Engagement: Approaches to using digital communications in student-community engagement. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement: 25(4):21.

Li, Y and ME Krasny. 2021. Network Climate Action through MOOCs. Social and Emotional Learning – An Inclusive Learning Analytics Perspective. Edited by: E Wang and R Baker. Springer-Nature.

Armstrong, A., Stedman, R. C., & Krasny, M. E. (2021). Intimacy on the Half-Shell: Place, Oysters, and the Emerging Narrative of Virginia Aquaculture. In A. M. Dare & V. C. Fletcher (Eds.), Communicating in the Anthropocene: Intimate Relations (pp. 85–104). Lexington Books (Roman and Littlefield).

Lee, E. and Krasny, M.E. 2021. The role of local people for collaborative management of Korean village groves. Sustainability Science: 16, 1017–1028.

Cho J., Li Y., Krasny M. E., Russ A., and Kizilcec R. F. 2021. Online Learning and Social Norms: Evidence from a Cross-Cultural Field Experiment in a Course for a Cause Computer-Based Learning in Context. 3 (1), 18-36. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4781808

Li Y and ME Krasny. 2021. Relationship between networks and practice change in environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2021.1899107

Daneri, D. R., M. E. Krasny and R. C. Stedman. 2021. Place-based Identity and Framing in Local Environmental Politics. Review of Policy Research.

Jorgensen, B, ME Krasny and J Baztan. 2020. Volunteer beach cleanups: civic environmental stewardship combating global plastic pollution. Sustainability Science. 10.1007/s11625-020-00841-7

Li, Y and ME Krasny. 2019. Practice change in environmental education: Lessons from professional development. Environmental Education Research 1-18. 10.1080/13504622.2018.1540033

Li, Y. and ME Krasny. 2019. Development of professional networks among environmental educators. Professional Development in Education: 1-17.

DuBois, B, ME Krasny, and A Russ. 2019. Online professional development for environmental educators: Strategies to foster critical thinking and social interactions, Environmental Education Research.

Armstrong, AK, ME Krasny, and J Schuldt. 2018. Communicating Climate Change: a Guide for Educators. Cornell University Press.

Briggs, L., M. E. Krasny and R. C. Stedman. 2018. Exploring youth development through an environmental education program for rural indigenous women. Journal of Environmental Education: 1-36.

Briggs, L, RC Stedman, and ME Krasny. 2018. Place attachment and social–ecological system sustainability examined through the voices of indigenous Guatemalan women. Sustainability Science.

Nourani, S. W., M. E. Krasny and D. J. Decker. 2018. Learning and linking for invasive species management. Ecology and Society 23 (3):29. [online] URL:

Delia, JE and ME Krasny. 2018. Cultivating Positive Youth Development, Critical Consciousness, and Authentic Care in Urban Environmental Education. Invited to Special Issue in Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 2340.

DuBois, B, ME Krasny, and JG Smith. 2017. Connecting Brawn, Brains, and People: An Exploration of Non-traditional Outcomes of Youth Stewardship Programs. Environmental Education Research.

Krasny, ME. ed. 2018. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. Cornell University Press.

Russ, A and ME Krasny, eds. 2017. Urban Environmental Education Review. Cornell University Press. translated into Greek and Chinese

Krasny, ME and KG Tidball. 2015. Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up. MIT Press. eBook: iTunes

Tidball, KG and ME Krasny, eds. 2014. Greening in the Red Zone. Springer-Verlag.