Dr. Niki Harré PhD

Professor, University of Auckland

Niki Harré is a professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland. Her recent research projects have focused on sustainable communities and schools, core human values, positive youth development and political activism. In 2007 Niki edited, with Quentin Atkinson, the book Carbon Neutral by 2020: How New Zealanders Can Tackle Climate Change. Her two latest books are The Infinite Game: How to Live Well Together and Psychology for a Better World: Working with People to Save the Planet both published in 2018. She is the author of over 70 research articles or book chapters and has given hundreds of talks to community organizations in New Zealand and internationally. Niki is the coordinator of a three-course sustainability module available to Arts and Science students at the University of Auckland and has had several sustainability-related leadership roles.


Harré, N., Blythe, C. Khan, S., & McLean, L. (2022). A people-focused systems approach to sustainability. American Journal of Community Psychology, 69, 114-133. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12550

Perry, G.L.W., Brower, A., Harré, N., Hodges, D., Maseyk, F.J. F., Lyver, P., Taylor, R., Todd, J.H., Tylianakis, J.M., Yletyinen, J., Richardson, S. (2021). Evaluating the role of social norms in fostering pro-environmental behaviours. Frontiers in Environmental Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.620125

Brundiers, K., Barth, M., Bernat, G., Cohen, M., Diaz, L., Doucette-Remington, S., Dripps, W., Habron, G., Harré, N., Jarchow, M., Losch, K., Michel, J., Mochizuki, Y., Rieckmann, M., Parnell, R., Walker, P., & Zint, M. (2020). Key competencies in sustainability in higher education: Towards and agreed-upon reference framework. Sustainability Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-020-00838-2

Blythe*, C., & Harré, N. (2019). Encouraging transformation and action competence: A theory of change evaluation of a sustainability leadership program for high school students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 10.1080/00958964.2019.1629381.

Harré, N. (2018). The infinite game: How to live well together. Auckland, NZ: Auckland University Press.

Harré, N. (2018). Psychology for a better world: Working with people to save the planet (2nd ed.). Auckland, NZ: Auckland University Press.

Harré, N., & Madden, H. (2017). The infinite game: A metaphor and workshop for living well together. Ecopsychology, 9(4), 212-224.

Harré, N., Madden, H., Brooks, R., & Goodman, J. (2017). Sharing values as a foundation for collective hope. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5(2), 342-366. doi:10.5964/jspp.v5i2.742