Dr. Martha C. Monroe PhD

Professor, School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Monroe is an Extension specialist in environmental education and professor in the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences at the University of Florida in Gainesville. In addition to providing support for 4-H, her courses orient students to conservation behavior theories and environmental education program development. She works in the human dimensions of natural resources (wildfire, water quality, climate change), with an emphasis pm public perceptions, adaptive collaborative management, citizen engagement, behavior change, and social learning. She is currently working with Extension agents on CIVIC (Community Voices, informed Choices) and CAPE (Community Action Projects for the Environment) to enhance community engagement and environmental protection. She holds a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of Michigan.


Daeli, W., Carmenta, R., Monroe, M. C., and Adams, A. E. 2021. Where policy and culture collide: Perceptions and responses of swidden farmers to the burn ban in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Human Ecology. 49: 159-170. DOI: 10.1007/s10745-021-00227-y.

Salazar, G., I. Ramakrishna, N. Satheesh, M. Mills, M. C. Monroe, K. K. Karanth. 2021. The challenge of measuring children’s attitudes toward wildlife in rural India, International Journal of Geography and Environmental Education. DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2021.1897339.

Monroe, M.C., C. Crandall, L. Maynard. 2021. Conservation behavior can defy traditional predictors. Journal of Environmental Education. 52: 3, 149-161. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2021.1899108.

Salazar, G., Monroe, M. C., Jordan, C., Ardoin, N., Berry, T. 2021. Improving assessments of connection to nature: A participatory approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8:609104. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.609104

Salazar, G. Kunkle, K., and Monroe, M. C. 2020. Practitioner Guide to Assessing Connection to Nature. Washington DC: NAAEE. 62 pages

Plate, R. R., Monroe, M. C., Friedrichsen, C.g Bowers, A. W., Chaves, W. A. 2020. Recommendations for early phases of engaging communities in climate change adaptation. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(2): 136-164. Accessible at: https://www.jhseonline.com/article/view/1057/833

Hill, M. K. , M. C. Monroe, T. T Ankerson, R. R. Carthy, T. A. Kay. 2019. Coastal Armoring and Sea Turtles: Beachfront Homeowners’ Opinions and Intent, Coastal Management, 47(6): 594-610. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2019.1669102

Crandall, C., Monroe, M. Dutka-Gianelli, J., Lorenzen, K., 2019. Meaningful action gives satisfaction: Stakeholder perspectives on participation in the management of marine recreational fisheries. Ocean and Coastal Management, 179, September 2019, 1-10, 104872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104872

Crandall, C. A., M. Monroe, J. Dutka-Gianelli, B. Fitzgerald, K. Lorenzen. 2018. How to bait the hook: identifying what motivates anglers to participate in a volunteer angler data program. Fisheries 43(11): 517-526.

Li, C. J. and M. C. Monroe. 2019. Exploring the essential psychological factors in fostering hope concerning climate change. Environmental Education Research. 25:6, 936-954. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2017.1367916.

Li, C. and M. C. Monroe. 2017. Development and validation of the climate change hope scale for high school students. Environment and Behavior, 50(4): 454-479.

Chaves, W., D. Valle, M. C. Monroe, D. Wilke, K. Sieving, B. Sadowsky. 2017. Changing wild meat consumption: an experiment in the central Amazon, Brazil. Conservation Letters, 1-10. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/conl.12391/pdf.

Monroe, M. C., H. Ballard, A. Oxarart, V. E. Sturtevant, P. J. Jakes, and E. R. Evans. 2016. Agencies, educators, communities and wildfire: partnerships to enhance environmental education for youth. Environmental Education Research, 22(8): 1098-1114

Monroe, M. C. 2015. Working toward resolutions in resource management in R. Kaplan and A. Basu, eds. Fostering Reasonableness. Ann Arbor, MI: Maize Books, Imprint of Michigan Publishing. pp. 239-249.

Monroe, M.C., Plate, R. R., Adams, D. C. and Wojcik, D.J. 2015. Harnessing homophily to improve climate change education. Environmental Education Research, 21(2): 221-238.

Monroe, M. C., R. Plate, and A. Oxarart. 2013. Intermediate Collaborative Adaptive Management Strategies Build Stakeholder Capacity. Ecology and Society, 18 (2): 24. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol18/iss2/art24/.

Monroe, M. C., S. Agrawal, P. J. Jakes, L. E. Kruger, K C. Nelson, V. Sturtevant. 2013. Identifying indicators of behavior change: Insights from wildfire education programs. Journal of Environmental Education. 44(3): 180-194.

Biedenweg, K. and M. C. Monroe. 2013. Cognitive Methods and a Case Study for Assessing Shared Perspectives as a Result of Social Learning. Society and Natural Resources. 26(8): 931-944.

Monroe, M. C. and L. McDonell. 2012. Flexible Training Program Builds Capacity for Diverse Challenges. Journal of Extension. 50(5): 5FEA4, http://www.joe.org/joe/2012october/a4.php.

Oxarart, A. and M. C. Monroe. 2012. Using Interesting Text to Communicate Complex Natural Resources Issues. Journal of Extension. 50(1): Feature Article 8 http://www.joe.org/joe/2012february/a8.php.

Cheng, J. C-H. and M. C. Monroe. 2012. Connection to nature: Children’s affective attitude toward nature. Environment and Behavior. 44(1): 31-49. First published Nov 7, 2010 DOI: 10.1177/0013916510385082.

Monroe, M. C., L. McDonell, A. Oxarart, R. Plate. 2009. Using community forums to enhance public engagement in environmental issues. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. 3(2): 171-182.

Monroe, M.C., E. Andrews, and K. Biedenweg. 2007. A framework for environmental education strategies, Applied Environmental Education and Communication 6(3-4): 205-216.

Monroe, M. C. and Willcox, A.S. 2006. Could risk of disease change bushmeat-butchering behavior? Animal Conservation 9(4): 368-369.

Agrawal, S. and M. C. Monroe. 2006. Using and improving social capital to increase community preparedness for wildfire. In McCaffrey, S. M. ed. The public and wildfire management: social science findings for managers. GTR: NRS-1. Newtown Square PA: USDA FS: pp. 163-167.

Monroe, M. C. 2003. Two avenues for encouraging conservation behaviors, Human Ecology Review 10(2): 113-125. Abstracted and included in the online research database for NAAEE, 2011. Translated into Dutch and reprinted in OIKOS December 2010 (http://www.oikos.be/) by Jelle Boeve-de Pauw.

De Young, R. and M. Monroe. 1996. Some fundamentals of engaging stories, Environmental Education Research 2(2): 171-187.

Monroe, M. and R. De Young. 1994. The role of interest in environmental information: A new agenda, Children’s Environments 11(3): 243-250.