Kim Wolske PhD

Research Associate Professor
Harris School of Public Policy
University of Chicago

Dr. Kim Wolske is a research associate professor in the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago and a research fellow with (EPIC), the Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. Her work draws on the fields of environmental, social, and cognitive psychology to examine the behavioral dimensions of energy and climate issues, with an eye toward improving the design of public-facing policies and programs. She is particularly interested in understanding the motivations and barriers associated with consumer adoption of efficient and renewable energy technologies as well as public perceptions of climate change and related technologies, such as geoengineering. Dr. Wolske served as the 2021-22 President of the Society for Environmental, Population, and Conservation Psychology (Division 34 of the American Psychological Association).


Wolske, K.S., Gillingham, K.T., Schultz, P.W. (2020). Peer influence on household energy behaviours. Nature Energy.

Brough, A.R., Donnelly, G.E., Griskevicius, V., Markowitz, E.M., Raimi, K.T., Reeck, C., Trudel, R., Waldman, K.B., Winterich, K.P., and Wolske, K.S. (2020). Understanding How Sustainable Initiatives Fail: A Framework to Aid Design of Effective Interventions. Social Marketing Quarterly.

Wolske, K.S. & Stern, P.C. (2018). Contributions of psychology to limiting climate change: Opportunities through consumer behavior. In S. Clayton & C. Manning (Eds). Psychology and Climate Change: Human Perceptions, Impacts, and Responses. Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 127-160.