Kenneth E. Wallen PhD

Assistant Professor
University of Idaho

T.H.E. Lab views conservation and natural resources management through the lens of human behavior and social process. We produce actionable insights from rigorous psychological, sociological, and behavioral sciences inquiry with observational, experimental, and survey methods to explore the nature of and reasons for environmentally significant behavior. We contribute to conservation and management via insights into behavioral patterns and social processes.


Wallen, K. E., & Landon, A. C. (2020). Systematic map of conservation psychology. Conservation Biology, 34(6), 1339–1352.

Dietsch, A. M., Clayton, S., Kyle, G. T., Kretser, H. E., Ma, Z., Vercammen, A., & Wallen, K. E. (2020). New directions in conservation psychology at a critical time. Conservation Biology, 34(6), 1335–1338.

Wallen, K. E. (2017). Focusing on structure and process to integrate and mainstream the social sciences in conservation. Conservation Biology, 31, 724–726.