Donna K. McMillan Ph.D., L.P.

Professor of Psychology
St. Olaf College

Donna McMillan is a clinical psychologist who received her Ph.D. and M.A. in clinical psychology from Duke University and her B.A. from the University of Virginia, having double majored in psychology and biology. Donna’s work focuses on the study of the person. She seeks a rich understanding of human beings as we really are, from the best of times to the worst of times. She teaches courses in Personality, Psychopathology, Positive Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Culture and Place in Psychology, Clinical and Counseling Psychology, and Personality Assessment, and she received the Minnesota Psychological Association’s Award for Outstanding Teacher of Undergraduate Psychology and St. Olaf College’s Gertrude Hilleboe Award for Faculty Involvement in Student Life. Her research focuses on the psychological significance of the natural world and the factors involved in psychological well-being.


McMillan, D.K. (2020). Learning environmental psychology in the national parks. In J.L. Thompson & A. Houseal (Eds.), America’s largest classroom: What we learn from our national parks (pp. 114-124). Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

McMillan, D.K. (2018). Meanings of nature seen in children’s stories. Ecopsychology, 10, 205-215.

McMillan, D.K. (2012). Environmental Psychology at Rocky Mountain National Park: An academic and experiential course. Ecopsychology, 4, 102-109.