Laura Musikanski JD, MBA

Executive Director
Happiness Alliance

Laura Musikanski is executive director the Happiness Alliance (, a nonprofit providing tools and resources, such as the Happiness Index, to communities for taking action and joining the Happiness and Well-being Movement. She has been working there since 2010. Together with Beth Allgood, Laura authored the first community-based wildlife conservation wellbeing index, Proposing a Community-Based Wildlife Conservation Well-Being Instrument (doi 10.1007/s42413-020-00069-4). She also co-authored Bridging the Gap between the Sustainable Development Goals and Happiness Metrics (doi 10.1007/s42413-018-0012-2) and Assessing Community-Based Wildlife Conservation Programs with the Gross National Happiness Framework (doi 10.1007/s42413-019-00045-70), as well as several other books, including the first course books that connects personal happiness and societal change for a sustainable planet: Happiness, Well-Being and Sustainability: A Course in Systems Change and, Mindfulness for a Happy Life. She also served as the chair of IEEE 7010 IEEE Recommended Practice for Assessing the Impact of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems on Human Well-Being. Laura is a lawyer who holds an MBA and certificates in environmental management and law, her version of an education in sustainability before universities offered sustainability degrees.


Proposing a Community-Based Wildlife Conservation Well-Being Instrument (doi 10.1007/s42413-020-00069-4)

The Happiness Index Methodology Assessing Community-Based Wildlife Conservation Programs with the Gross National Happiness Framework(doi 10.1007/s42413-019-00045-70)

Bridging the Gap between the Sustainable Development Goals and Happiness Metrics (doi 10.1007/s42413-018-0012-2)

The Happiness Policy Handbook