Victor Corral-Verdugo Ph.D.

University of Sonora, Hermosillo Mexico

Dr. Victor Corral-Verdugo studies sustainable behavior, aimed at developing a classification of these actions, including self-care, care for others, and care for the environment. In recent years Dr. Corral-Verdugo’s team proposed, and started testing, a model of positive environments, conceived as scenarios that meet human needs and incite environmentally-protective behaviors in response to environmental challenges. Dr. Corral-Verdugo and his team also maintain interests in studying positive psychological correlates (wellbeing, happiness, intrinsic motives) of sustainable behavior, as well as the topic of affinity towards diversity, as a promoter of environmental protection.  



Corral, V. & Armendáriz, L.I. (2000). The “New Environmental Paradigm” in a Mexican Community. Journal of Environmental Education, 31, 25-31.

Corral, V. (2002). A structural model of pro-environmental competency. Environment & Behavior. 34, 531-549. 

Corral, V., Frías, M., Pérez, F., Orduño, V. & Espinoza, N. (2002). Residential water consumption, motivation for conserving water, and the continuing tragedy of the commons. Environmental Management. 30, 527-535. 

Corral, V. (2002). Structural equation modeling. In R.B. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Psychology. New York: Wiley.

Corral, V., Frías, M. & González, D. (2003). On the relationship between antisocial and anti-environmental behaviors: An empirical study. Population and Environment. 24, 273-286.

Corral, V., Bechtel, R. & Fraijo, B. (2003). Environmental beliefs and water conservation: an empirical study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 247-257.

Corral, V. (2003). Situational and personal determinants of waste control practices in northern Mexico: A study of reuse and recycling behaviors. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 39, 265-281.

Corral, V. (2003). Determinantes psicológicos e situacionais do comportamento de

conservação de água: um modelo estrutural.  Estudos de Psicologia, 8, 245-252.

Corral, V. & Pinheiro, V. (2004). Aproximaciones al estudio de la conducta sustentable. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 5, 1-26.

Corral, V., Varela, C. y González, D. (2004).  O papel da Psicología Ambiental na promoçao de competencia pró-ambiental. En E. Tassara, E. Rabinovich y M.C. Guedes (Eds.), Psicología e Ambiente. Sao Paulo: EDUC.

Corral, V. (2005). Psicologia ambiental: objeto, “realidades” sócio-físicas e visões culturais de interações ambiente-comportamento. Psicologia USP, 16, 71-87.

Corral, V. & Frías, M. (2006). Personal normative beliefs, antisocial behavior, and residential water conservation. Environment & Behavior, 38, 406-421.

Bechtel, R.B., Corral, V., Asai, M. & González-Riesle, A. (2006). A crosscultural study of environmental belief structures. USA, Japan, Mexico and Peru. International Journal of Psychology, 41, 145-151. 

Corral, V. (2006). Psicología ambiental interamericana. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 7, 1-5.

Corral, V., Frías, M., Fraijo, B., & Tapia, C. (2006). Rasgos de la conducta antisocial como correlatos del actuar anti y proambiental. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano. 7, 89-103.

Tal, I., Hill, D., Figueredo, A.J., Frías, M., & Corral, V. (2006). An evolutionary approach to explaining water conservation behavior. International Journal of Environmental Psychology, 7 7-27.

Corral, V. & Pinheiro, J. (2006). Sustainability, future orientation and water conservation. European Review of Applied Psychology, 56, 191-198. 

Corral, V, Pinheiro, J. & Fraijo, B. (2006).  Sustainable behavior and time perspective: present, past, and future orientations and their relationship with water conservation. Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 40, 139-147.

Evans, G.W., Gruen, B., Corral-Verdugo, V., Corraliza, J.A. & Kaiser, F. (2007). Cross-cultural Children’s Environmental Attitudes and Self-Reported Behaviors. Children, Youth and Environments, 17, 128-143. 

Pinheiro, J.Q., & Corral, V. (2007). Environmental Psychology in Latin America (1996-2006). Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 8, 29-48.

Corral, V., Carrus, G., Bonnes, M., Moser, G. & Sinha, J. (2008). Environmental beliefs and endorsement of Sustainable Development principles in water conservation: towards a New Human Interdependence Paradigm scale. Environment & Behavior, 40, 703-725.

Kaiser, F., Schultz, P.W., Berenguer, J., Corral, V. & Tankha, G. (2008). Extending planned environmentalism. Anticipated guilt and embarrassment across cultures.  European Psychologist, 13, 288-297.

Gifford, R., Scanell, L., Kormos, K., Smolova, L., Biel, A., Boncu, S. Corral, V. et al (2009).  Temporal pessimism and spatial optimism in environmental assessments: An 18-nation study. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 1-12.

Corral, V., Bonnes, M., Tapia, C., Fraijo, B., Frías, M. & Carrus, G. (2009). Correlates of pro-sustainability orientation: The affinity towards diversity. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 29, 34-43.

Frías, M., Martín, A.M. & Corral, V. (2009). Análisis de factores que influyen en el desarrollo de normas ambientales y en la conducta anti-ecológica. Revista Interamericana de Psicología, 43, 278-286.

Corral, V., Tapia, C., Frías, M., Fraijo, B. & González, D. (2009). Orientación a la sostenibilidad como base para el comportamiento pro-social y pro-ecológico. Medio Ambiente y Comportamiento Humano, 10, 5-25.

Corral, V. & Pinheiro, J. (2009). Environmental psychology with a Latin American taste. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 366-374.

Corral-Verdugo, V., Frías, M., & García, C. (2010). Introduction to the psychological dimensions of sustainability. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Carrus, G., Bonnes, M., Corral, V., Moser, G., & Sinha, J. (2010). Social-psychological and contextual predictors of sustainable water consumption. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hernández, B., Suárez, E., Hess, S. & Corral, V. (2010). Ecological worldviews. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Bonnes, M., Carrus, G., Corral, V. & Passafaro, P. (2010). The socio-psychological affinity towards diversity: From biodiversity to socio-ecological sustainability. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Corral, V., García, C., Castro, L., Viramontes, I. & Limones, R. (2010). Equity and sustainable lifestyles. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Pinheiro, J. & Corral, V. (2010). Time perspective and sustainable behavior. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Fraijo, B., Corral, V., Tapia, C. & González, D. (2010). Promoting pro-environmental competency. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Tapia, C., Corral, V., Gutiérrez, C., Mireles, J., & Tirado, H. (2010). Emotions and proenvironmental behavior. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Gaspar de Carvalho, R., Palma, JM. & Corral, V. (2010). Why do people fail to act? Situational barriers and constraints on proecological behavior. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Bechtel, R. & Corral, V. (2010). Happiness and sustainable behavior. En V. Corral, C. García, & M. Frías (Eds.), Psychological Approaches to Sustainability. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Corral, V., Mireles, J., Tapia, C. & Fraijo, B. (2011). Happiness as a correlate of sustainable behavior. A study of proecological, frugal, equitable and altruistic actions that promote subjective wellbeing. Human Ecology Review, 18, 95-104.  

Corral, V. (2011). Introduction to the Special Issue on Sustainable Behavior. International Journal of Hispanic Psychology, 4, 1-3

Corral, V., Montiel, M., Sotomayor, M., Frías, M., Tapia, C. & Fraijo, B. (2011). Psychological wellbeing as correlate of sustainable behaviors. International Journal of Hispanic psychology, 4, 31-44.

Carvalho, R., Palma, J.M. & Corral, V. (2011). Cognitive and context tuning: tools to break anti-ecological habits. International Journal of Hispanic Psychology, 4, 69-91.

Corral, V. (2012). Towards a positive psychology of sustainability. Bulletin of People-Environment Studies, 38, 4-8.

Corral, V. (2012). The positive Psychology of Sustainability. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 14, 651-666.

Hernández, B., Suárez, E., Corral, V., & Hess, S. (2012). The relationship between social and environmental interdependence as an explanation of proenvironmental behavior. Human Ecology Review, 19, 1-9.

Corral, V., Frías, M., Tapia, C. y Fraijo, B. (2012). Protecting natural resources: psychological and contextual determinants of freshwater conservation. En S. Clayton (Ed.). Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Tapia, C., Corral, V., Fraijo, B., & Durón, F. (2013). Assessing sustainable behavior and its correlates: a measure of pro-ecological, frugal, altruistic and equitable actions. Sustainability, 5, 711-723.

Moganadas, S., Corral, V., & Ramanathan, S. (2013). Towards systemic campus sustainability. Gauging dimensions of sustainable development via a motivational and perception-based approach. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 15, 1443-1464. 

Corral, V., Fraijo, B., & Tapia, C. (2014). Latin Americans and the Environment: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Values. En J. Appleton (Ed.), Values in Sustainable Development. New York: Routledge.

Fraijo, B., Tapia, C. & Corral, V. (2014). Designing Environmental Education Programs: Modeling Pro-environmental Competency. En J. Appleton (Ed.), Values in Sustainable Development. New York: Routledge.

Corral, V., Frías, M., Tapia, C. & Fraijo, B. (2015). The psychological dimension of water ecosystem services. En: J. Martin-Ortega, R. C. Ferrier, I. J. Gordon & S. Khan (eds.), Water Ecosystem Services: A Global Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Corral, V. (2015). Introduction to the special issue on positive and environmental psychology. Psyecology, 6, 139-145.

Corral, V., Durón, F., Frías, M., Tapia, C., Fraijo, B. & Gaxiola, J. (2015). Socio-physical environmental factors and sustainable behavior as indicators of family positivity. Psyecology, 6, 146-168.

Corral, V., Tapia, C., & Ortiz, A. (2015). On the relationship between character strengths and sustainable behavior. Environment & Behavior, 47, 877-901.

Corral, V., González, D., Rascón, M. & Corral-Frías, V. (2016). Intrinsic motives of autonomy, self-efficacy, and satisfaction associated with two instances of sustainable behavior: frugality and equity. Psychology, 7, 662-671.

Bain, P., Milfont, T., Kashima, Y., Bilewicz, M., Doron, G., Garðarsdóttir, R., Gouveia, V., Guan, Y., Johansson, L., Pasquali, C., Corral, V., et al (2016). Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world. Nature Climate Change, 6, 154-156.

Manríquez, J.C., Corral, V. & Vanegas, C. (2016). Positive (gratitude, eudaimonia) and negative (scarcity, costs) determinants of water conservation behavior. Psyecology, 7, 178-200.

Corral, V., & Frias, M. (2016). The sustainability of positive environments. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 18, 965-984.

Gaspar, R., Palma, J., & Corral, V. (2016). Dynamic Mental Representations of Habitual Behaviours: Food Choice on a Web-Based Environment. Psychology, Community & Health, 5, 115-133.

Hine, D.W., Corral-Verdugo, V., Bhullar, N., & Frias-Armenta, M. (2016). Advanced statistics for environment-behavior research (Cap. 19). In R. Gifford (Ed), Research Methods for Environmental Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.

Tapia, C., Fraijo, B., Corral, V. & Ortiz, A. (2017). Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions. Its Influence on the Pro-Sustainability Orientation of Mexican Students. Sage Open, 7(1), 1-15.

Corral, V., Caso, J., Tapia, C. & Frías, M. (2017). Consideration of Immediate and Future Consequences in Accepting and Responding to Anthropogenic Climate Change. Psychology, 8, 1519-1531.

Manríquez, J.C., Corral, V., Fraijo, B. & Tapia, B. (2017). Influencia de factores positivos, motivacionales y temporales sobre el ahorro de agua. Quaderns de Psicologia, 19, 137-149. 

Corral, V., García, F., Fraijo, B. & Tapia, C. (2017). Is human mind attuned with general ecological principles? Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 51, 377-397.

Tapia, C., Corral, V. & Fraijo, B. (2017). Sustainable behavior and quality of life. En G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol & O. Navarro (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Psychology and Quality of Life Research. (pp. 173-184). Heidelberg & New York: Springer.

Vanegas, C., Corral, V., Ortega, P. & Bustos, M. (2018). Intrinsic and extrinsic benefits as promoters of pro-environmental behavior. Psyecology, 9, 33-54.

Vanegas, C., Ortega, P., Bustos, M. & Corral, V. (2018). Desarrollo de la Escala Expectativa de Comportamiento Ambiental de Otros con adultos jóvenes mexicanos. Universitas Psychologica, 17(2), 1-10.

Barrera, L., Corral, V., Fraijo, B. & Tapia, C. (2018). Psychological and physical indicators of a transcendental positive environment and its impact on sustainable behavior. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 26, 51-68.

Manríquez, J.C., Corral, V., Tapia, C. & Fraijo, B. (2018). Sustainable Behavior, Life History Strategy, and Positive Time Perspective: A Structural Model. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 12, 245-262.

Milfont, T., Bain, P., Kashima, Y., Corral, V., et al (2018). On the relation between social dominance orientation and environmentalism: A 25-nation study. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9, 802-814.

Corral, V., Aguilar, MC., & Hernández, B. (2019). Theoretical bases guiding conservation psychology. Papeles del Psicólogo/Psychologist Papers, 40(3), 174-181. 

Corral-Frías, V., Lucas, Y., Corral-Frías, N., Corral-Verdugo, V., & Tapia, C. (2019). Assessment of Affinity towards Diversity using the Implicit

Association Test and Self-Report. Sustainability, 11, 5825. doi:10.3390/su11205825.

Corral, Ortiz, A., Frías, M., Tapia, C. & Fraijo, B. (2020). Environmental predictability influences the relationship between virtues and antisocial/delinquent behavior. Psychology, Crime & Law, 26(2), 148-166. DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2019.1652743.

Tapia-Fonllem, C., Fraijo-Sing, B., Corral-Verdugo, V., Garza-Terán, G. & and Moreno-Barahona, M. (2020). School environments and elementary school children’s well-being in northwestern Mexico. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 510. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00510.

Corral, V., Lucas, Y., Tapia, C. & Valdez, A. (2020). Situational factors driving climate change mitigation behaviors: the key role of pro-environmental family. Environment, Development & Sustainability, 22, 7269–7285. DOI: 10.1007/s10668-019-00496-0.

Suárez, E., Hernández, B., Gil, & Corral, V. (2020). Determinants of frugal behavior: The influences of consciousness for sustainable consumption, materialism, and the consideration of future consequences. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:567752.

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.567752.

Corral, V. (2021). Psicología del Cambio Climático [Psychology of Climate Change]. Psyecology, 12, 254-282.

Barrera, L., Corral V., Echeverría S., Sotelo M., & Ocaña, J. (2021).  Beliefs, perceived risk, obstacles and intention to act. An explanatory model for mitigation and coping behaviours regarding climate change. PsyEcology, 12(3). 283-301. DOI: 10.1080/21711976.2020.1827660

Frías, M., Corral-Frías, N., Corral, V., & Lucas, M.Y. (2021).  Psychological predictors of precautionary behaviors in response to COVID-19: A structural model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 559289.

Corral, V., Corral-Frías, N., Frías, M., Lucas, M.Y., & Peña, E. (2021).  Positive environments and precautionary behaviors during the COVID-19 outbreak. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 693.

Corral, V., Pato, C., & Torres, N. (2021). Testing a tridimensional model of sustainable behavior: Self-care, caring for others and caring for the planet. Environment, Development, and Sustainability. 23, 12867–12882.

Corral, V., Frías, M., & Valdez, A. (2021). The environmental psychology of pro-sustainability virtues. En Kewall, J. (Ed.), The Virtues of Sustainability (pp. 27-54). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.