Amara Brook Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Amara Brook is a former researcher and professor in self and identity issues related to conservation psychology. Currently, Dr. Brooks is a practicing psychologist helping people better understand themselves, accept reality, and make changes in their lives consistent with their goals and values.


Warner, K., Brook, A., & Shaw, K. (2012). Facilitating religious environmentalism: Ethnology plus conservation psychology tools can assess an interfaith environmental intervention. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology, 16, 111-134.

Brook, A. (2011). Ecological footprint feedback: Motivating or discouraging? Social Influence, 9, 113-128.

Brook, A.T., et al (26 cosigners). (2007). The power of voluntary actions: Social scientists respond to Mike Tidwell. Grist: Gristmill. 

Saunders, C.D., Brook, A.T., & Myers, O.E. (2006). Using psychology to save biodiversity and human well-being. Conservation Biology, 20(3), 702-705.

Clayton, S. & Brook, A. (2005). Can psychology help save the world? A model for conservation psychology. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 5(1), 1-15.

Opotow, S. & Brook, A. (2003). Identity and exclusion in rangeland conflict. In S. Clayton & S. Opotow (Eds.), Identity and the Natural Environment. (pp. 249-272). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Brook, A.T., Zint, M. & DeYoung, R. (2003). Landowners’ responses to an Endangered Species Act listing and implications for encouraging conservation. Conservation Biology, 17(6), 1638-1649.

Brook, A.T. (2003). Psychology of sustainable development (book review). Human Ecology Review, 10(2).

Brook, A.T. (2001). What is “Conservation Psychology?” Population & Environmental Psychology Bulletin, 27(2), 1-2.

Brook, A.T. (1997). A good example for aquifer management in the 21st century?  In L. Triplett, (Ed.), The Great Plains Symposium 1997: The Ogallala Aquifer, “Managing for Drought and Climate Change.”  (pp.86-98). Lincoln, NE: The Great Plains Foundation.

Tandy, A. (1996). Wolf recovery: Using negotiation analysis to resolve interest group politics.  Journal of Undergraduate Sciences (special issue), 51-62.