Raymond De Young PhD

School for Environment and Sustainability
University of Michigan

Raymond De Young is a broadly trained psychologist, planner, and engineer. He focuses on the process of re-localization, a response to emerging biophysical limits, and the consequences of having deeply disrupted the Earth’s ecosystems. He applies conservation psychology to the challenge of helping people envision and adopt behaviors that support an urgent transition to a life lived within local resource limits. Despite what for some people is a dismal forecast, his work is decidedly hopeful. His research explores how people pre-familiarize themselves with the coming resource downshift, motivate stewardship, and use nature to restore the mental vitality needed for responding to the lean yet fascinating times ahead. Dr. De Young’s current projects include examining the psychological foundations of behavioral entrepreneurship and voluntary simplicity and helping neighborhoods develop resilience to a long, drawn-out resource descent. 


De Young R. (2019) Supporting Behavioural Entrepreneurs: Using the Biodiversity-Health Relationship to Help Citizens Self-Initiate Sustainability Behaviour. In: Marselle M., Stadler J., Korn H., Irvine K., Bonn A. (eds.) Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change. (p. 295-313) Springer, Cham.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-02318-8_13

Crow, T., Brown, T., & De Young, R. (2006). The Riverside and Berwyn experience: Contrasts in landscape structure, perceptions of the urban landscape, and their effects on people. Landscape and Urban Planning, 75, 282-299.

Brook, A., Zint, M., & De Young, R. (2003). Landowners’ responses to an Endangered Species Act listing and implications for encouraging conservation. Conservation Biology, 17, 1638-1649.

De Young, R. (2003). If we build it, people will want to help: The management of citizen participation in conservation psychology. Human Ecology Review, 10, 162-163.

Ryan, R., Erickson, D., & De Young, R. (2003). Farmers’ motivations for adopting conservation practices along riparian zones in a Midwestern agricultural watershed. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 46, 19-37.

Erickson, D., Ryan, R., & De Young, R. (2002). Woodlots in the rural landscape: Landowner motivations and management attitudes in a Michigan case study. Landscape and Urban Planning, 58, 101-112.

Kaplan, S. & De Young, R. (2002). Toward a better understanding of pro-social behavior: The role of evolution and directed attention. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 263-264.

De Young, R. (2000). Expanding and evaluating motives for environmentally responsible behavior. In L. Zelezny, & P. W. Schultz [Eds.] Promoting Environmentalism. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 509-526.

De Young, R. (1999). Tragedy of the commons. In D. E. Alexander and R. W. Fairbridge (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Hingham, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

De Young, R. (1999). Environmental Psychology. In D. E. Alexander and R. W. Fairbridge (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Hingham, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

McCann, E., Sullivan, S., Erickson, D., & De Young, R. (1997). Environmental awareness, economic orientation, and farming practices: A comparison of organic and conventional farmers. Environmental Management, 21, 747-758.

Kearney, A. R., & De Young, R. (1995-1996). Changing commuter travel behavior: Employer-initiated strategies. Journal of Environmental System, 24, 373-393.

De Young, R. (1996). Some psychological aspects of a reduced consumption lifestyle: The role of intrinsic satisfaction and competence. Environment and Behavior, 28, 358-409.

De Young, R. and Monroe, M. (1996). Some fundamentals of engaging stories. Environmental Education Research, 2, 171-187.

Sullivan, S., McCann, E., De Young, R., & Erickson, D. (1996). Farmers’ attitudes about farming and the environment: A survey of conventional and organic farmers. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 9, 123-143.

Kearney, A. R., & De Young, R. (1995). A knowledge based intervention for promoting ride sharing. Environment and Behavior, 27, 650-678

Lee, Y., De Young, R. & Marans, R. W. (1995). Factors influencing individual recycling behavior in office settings: A study of office workers in Taiwan. Environment and Behavior, 27, 380-403

De Young, R., Boerschig, S., Carney, S., Dillenbeck, A., Elster, M., Horst, S., Kleiner, B., & Thomson, B. (1995). Recycling in multi-family dwellings: Increasing participation and decreasing contamination. Population and Environment, 16, 253-267.

Monroe, M., & De Young, R. (1994). The role of interest in environmental information: A new agenda. Children’s Environment, 11, 243-250.

Lee, Y. & De Young, R. (1994). Intrinsic satisfaction derived from office recycling behavior: A case study in Taiwan. Social Indicators Research, 31, 63-76.

De Young, R. (1993). Changing behavior and making it stick: The conceptualization and management of conservation behavior. Environment and Behavior, 25(4), 485-505.

Boerschig, S. & De Young, R. (1993). Evaluation of selected recycling curricula: Educating the green citizen. Journal of Environmental Education, 24, 17-22.

De Young, R., Duncan, A., Frank, J., Gill, N., Rothman, S., Shenot, J., et al. (1993). Promoting source reduction behavior: The role of motivational information. Environment and Behavior, 25(1), 70-85.

Erickson, D., & De Young, R. (1992-1993). Management of farm woodlots and windbreaks: Some psychological and landscape patterns. Journal of Environmental Systems, 22, 233-247.

De Young, R. (1990-1991). Some psychological aspects of living lightly: Desired lifestyle patterns and conservation behavior. Journal of Environment Systems, 20, 215-227.

De Young, R. (1990). Recycling as appropriate behavior: A review of survey data from selected recycling education programs in Michigan. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 3, 253-266.

Bardwell, L. & De Young, R. (1989-1990). Hazardous waste inspection training: Multimedia information transfer. Journal of Environmental Systems, 19, 331-337.

De Young, R. (1989-1990). Promoting conservation behavior in shared spaces: The role of energy monitors. Journal of Environmental Systems, 19, 265-273.

De Young, R. (1988-1989). Exploring the difference between recyclers and non-recyclers: The role of information. Journal of Environmental Systems, 18, 341-351.

De Young, R. & Kaplan, S. (1988). On averting the tragedy of the commons. Environmental Management, 12, 283-293.

De Young, R. (1986). Some psychological aspects of recycling: The structure of conservation satisfactions. Environment and Behavior, 18, 435-449.

De Young, R. (1985-1986). Encouraging environmentally appropriate behavior: The role of intrinsic motivation. Journal of Environmental Systems, 15, 281-292.

De Young, R. & Kaplan, S. (1985-1986). Conservation behavior and the structure of satisfactions. Journal of Environmental Systems, 15, 233-242.

De Young, R. (1985). Satisfaction from conservation activities in North America. Environmental Conservation, 12, 259-260.

De Young, R. & Robinson, J. E. (1984). Some perspectives on managing water demand: Public and expert views. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 9, 9-18.

De Young, R. (1984). What motivates people to recycle: The use of incentives. Resource Recycling, 3, 14-15,42.